We slice. We dice. We puree. Whether it’s a 30-second spot, a 10-minute industrial or a feature-length masterpiece, our editors can cut it. Our editing talents have earned us the Peabody Award, the International Monitor Award, Icon, and CAB awards.
And we speak all editing languages. We can input and output your project using any tape format or file type, edit in Premiere, Avid or Final Cut Pro, and deliver a finished product of the highest quality from one of our large, comfortable editorial suites. Our rooms are all fiber connected so we can edit your project across multiple suites simultaneously — and all in HD or 4K if you so desire.

color correction
Color Correction
So you’ve got a purple cow. We can fix that. Along with countless other color anomalies you may encounter. Our real-time 4K DaVinci color correction can do the job and fast. With an ace operator blazing away with flipping fingers on our Pro Control surface, color correction at Chromavision can go much faster than it can at an old fuddy-duddy point-and-click service. (You know that one. The one you don’t go to anymore because you found out about Chromavision.)

Building better videos is what we do from the ground up. (Here’s where we might say something cute about “the nuts and bolts of production” but hey, that’s too obvious. So we won’t.) From concept to completion, we’re your one-stop shop for video production. We write, storyboard, cast, direct and shoot. Everywhere from Broadway and 23rd Street to that other continent you’ve picked to shoot your latest project. From commercials to corporate to live events, we’ve done it. Just ask Bruce.

sound design
Sound Design
Don’t cry. Every professional knows that sound is as important as picture. That’s why we have a dedicated sound design audio studio. Despite the audio tools available in today's video editing software, there is just no substitute for the real thing. Enter Chromavision Sound.
We have a recordin booth designed for multiple-voice recording sitting in two top-of-the-line audio suites, including Pro Tools HD and mixing for full 5.1 surround. And we stock over 20 libraries of music and effects — one of the largest collections in New York.
Oh, by the way, our sound designers have won Emmy Awards. The machines don’t mean a thing without high quality humans operating them.

motion graphics
Motion Graphics
Fasten your seatbelts. Chromavision's Motion Graphics division designs and executes high-powered 2D and 3D animation for commercials, corporate promotions, TV title sequences and DVDs. Combining our handling of top-shelf graphics software with your great ideas, we will drive your production to a new level, whether it’s for broadcast television or revved-up HTML5. (OK, enough car analogies already.)

digital cinema
Digital Cinema
DCP (Digital Cinema Package) is the standard for digital content delivery to theatres around the world. What used to ship in huge reels at great expense can now be passed around on a hard drive that fits in the palm of your hand.
Chromavision has everything you need for Digital Cinema Mastering. No matter what your format, resolution or audio configuration, our DCP experts can properly configure your project for the correct specifications that theatres require.
Whether it's for festivals, theatrical distribution, Academy Award® qualification or just a small viewing of your latest short masterpiece, we will ensure your film will look and sound its best up on the big screen.

blu-ray/dvd authoring
Blu-ray & DVD Authoring
We do menus. We do languages. We do subtitles. We create all kinds of intuitive navigation — from plain vanilla to lush graphics and animation. We can also make the new-style floating menus which you can access while the movie keeps playing! Starting with any media in any format, you’ll end up with a professional disc. You want a copy-protected Blu-ray? We’re the only licensee in New York who can do that. Oh, and we can do the packaging for you too.

Deep at the bottom of your screen lurk the subtitles. We can make them for you. Pick your language, font, point size, color and we’ll do it just the way you want it. We can translate your script and subtitle in French, Italian, Chinese, Cambodian, Arabic, Hebrew, Hmong, or Sanskrit, for that matter. We handle the translations through our network of subtitle-trained translators located throughout the globe.
The subtitles can be encoded to any tape format, DVD, Blu-ray, DCP or files for VOD delivery. We can also adapt your subtitles for closed captioning – or vice versa.

file/format conversion
This is one area where Chromavision really stands apart. We convert from any format to any other format. We have all the equipment in-house that you need to handle any kind of media -- even media you’ve dug up from decades ago. In this age of seemingly endless varieties of media types and standards, Chromavision's huge format conversion services are unequaled.
Included in these services are high quality conversion to the three international standards: NTSC, PAL and SECAM. We also do Real-Time Re-Aspecting from 4:3 to 16:9 aspect ratios to make your old square video fill the new widescreen monitors.
QC review of converted files is provided by human eye review and/or computer software. In either case a technical QC report can be generated, describing the condition of the file.
4K has become a standard and Chromavision can upconvert your media from HD to Ultra HD and 4K, and it will look very good.

accessible media
Accessible Media
We pride ourselves on being at the leading edge of accessible media, captioning and audio description services. Closed Captioning is now required for all broadcast and cable programming, so we provide full captioning services as well as multilingual subtitling and dubbing for television as well as for streaming media, DVD and HD applications. We can also make your websites fully W3C- and 508-compliant. With vast experience in this technology, we’ll make sure your media is compliant, accessible and on time.

From a single copy, to runs of many thousands, we do duplication. From a single copy, to runs of many thousands, we do duplication. From a single copy, to runs of many thousands, we do duplication. From a single copy, to runs of many thousands, we do duplication. From a single copy, to runs of many thousands, we do duplication.
(And packaging too.)